Blending up Breakfast

I love breakfast. If I have time to go out to breakfast or whip up some waffles I will.I mean, look at that french toast! I would love to eat that everyday… It wouldn’t be the healthiest choice, but the yummiest!


But during the week I do try to eat healthier and not indulge as much! I also need something to hold me over until lunch! I hate being hungry hours before I can eat. So what’s my day to day breakfast look like?

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A little more healthy than some Breakfast Nook Blueberry French toast! I am always coming up with new shakes to make! I think that they are the best breakfast option! I scoop some protein powder in and power through the day. I also love sneaking in greens and veggies! Blueberries, and bananas really hide the spinach or Kale taste.

I think that I wake up my roomies in the morning with my ninja blender but its worth it to have a great breakfast!

This week I pinned some amazing shakes that I can’t wait to try! Check out my Pinterest Board: Breakfast Shakes! 

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Let me know what your favorite shakes are for breakfast! I am always looking for new ideas!

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