My Thursday 3: BossBabe Organization Favorites!

When it comes to organization, I would say that my life is pretty disorganized! I can try to be so organized, and then in a week, or two, all my hard work is again a mess!

This semester I am trying to work on my organization of time, and of everything else in my life! Do you ever just feel like there is no time for you too be organized? Yeah me too.

SO! My Thursday 3 is all about trying to be organized and stay that way!

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1.) Get an Agenda! It is so important to write what you need to do down. I always try to set phone reminders and I just click them away, or I don’t put any of the details! Writing things down also helps me remember them! My favorite agendas are from Lilly! They are so fun, and they motivate me to write in them! I just planned my spring break schedule out in my planner, and of course had to add stickers to the week!


2.) Do one thing at a time! I can be guilty of working on 10 things at once. But that doesn’t actually help me get what I need done, done! I like to do power hours for one thing at a time. Whether it is for homework, It Works, my Internship, or my ADPi position. (Yes I have a lot going on! That is why power hours have become my favorite thing!) They also destress me! I can do a power hour of watching Netflix too! When I work I put up all windows of what I am working on up, and close unneeded work! I get so much more done this way.


3.) Get a coffee and some sticky notes! Don’t be afraid to say that you need a break! Go grab a coffee, add some sticky notes to your planner, and get things done! When I need to organize my room, a folder, work for a client, I sticky note it (mentally or literally) to help myself get it done. Making sure that you give yourself time during the day to think about what you need to manage and what you need to get done, helps get them done. If you can’t plan what you need to do, there will be a lot forgotten on your list! I love to take a break, sip my cappuccino and really think about what I need to do during the day!

Stay organized and keep up the hustle!


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2 thoughts on “My Thursday 3: BossBabe Organization Favorites!

  1. lovealwaysashleyj says:

    Love all of your tips! I absolutely have to have a planner in my life- I actually have three right now haha One for personal life, one for my workouts & nutrition, and one for my blog! I might be a tad obsessed with planning 🙂


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